Team Support 团队助理(实习生) Responsibilities岗位职责: Typing of various documentation including resumes and general correspondence. 负责各种文档的录入工作 ·Maintaining the database with registrations, including updating client and candidate information 维护数据库,更新客户及候选人信息 ·Updating database details from emails sent i.e., phone follow-up for details. 从多种渠道及时更新数据库内信息 SKILLS AND EXPERIENCE岗位要求: Attention to detail and organized;Enthusiasm and initiative ;Work as part of a small team 积极主动,勤奋踏实,注重细节,对重复度高的工作有足够的耐心。 ATTITUDE AND BEHAVIOURS As your role within LucasGC includes operating as part of a team, you are expected to work as a team member, show appropriate behaviours and respect to all our employees and work with a spirit of co-operation. 实习薪资:150元/天(优秀者可提高) 截止日期:4月18日 格式:姓名-学校-专业-年级-应聘职位 备注:优秀者实习后可转正 |