蓦然认知(Moran)是一家以认知计算为核心的人工智能公司,拥有领先的交互决策引擎Mor。Mor可称作小蓦机器人,他可以理解人类语言,并与人自然对话,驱动机器一起为人们提供更加友和高效的服务。我们相信Mor的持续演进将改变人与机器之间的交互方式和信息获取方式,并最终形成全新的互联网入口。 如果自己家研发的产品能把自己吓傻, 那便是“黑科技”的真正奥义。 我们每天都在体会这种感觉。 如果你也好这口, 那就来蓦然认知吧! 我们拥有: 极具竞争力的薪酬福利, BAT核心人工智能技术团队; 最先进的认知计算和自然语言理解技术; 国内AI智能语音交互最屌最酷炫的产品——Mor; 顶级VC投资,打破资本寒冬困境晋升A轮“黑科技”宠儿; 就是五行缺你! 你一定属于以下其中一种: Recruiter 职位描述 This role is expected to be working withmarketing director to screen and call candidates. You will be working with asmall team with an open culture to speak with all the top-notch talents fromall over the world. We are a big believer that self-motivationis the key to success. Tell us what your career dream and let's talk to see ifwe could work with you on that goal together. We do want you to work for us,but we'd like you to work for yourself more! Responsibilities: * Talent search and cold / warm screencalls * Utilize social media to engage withcandidates and brand company * Help coordinate interviews betweendifferent time zones. * Communicate with candidates either inMandarin or English * Help with salary negotiation, and dealclosing etc. Requirements: * Interested in Human Resource Industry,particularly recruiting * Be proactive: ask questions, and thinkwhy you ask those questions * Fast learner: bear a can-do attitude andwe help you advance the skills that you'd like to improve * Fluent in English: you are expected to beable to communicate with the candidates who may be able to only speak English. Preferred: * Previous working experience in a talentsearch / executive search firm. * Be interested in / familiar with Internetcompanies and ecosystem in China as well as in the Silicon Valley. Perks: * Competitive salary and potential growth * Opportunities to network with top-notchtalents in the world * Experienced mentorship opportunity fromsophisticated HR leadership with rich experience in US * Lots of opportunities to learn newthings, not just in HR related stuff, but in business, artificial intelligenceetc. HR Intern(RMB 100/天~150天) 你一定是个非常有亲合力的人,善于组织和领导各种各样的奇葩技术男。你独具慧眼,总能找到那些天赋异禀却还未上车的小伙伴。在你强大的感召力和出色的表达能力下,无人不为你所倾倒。 职位描述: 1. 在各类平台上发布招聘信息; 2. 招聘渠道管理 3. 根据招聘信息筛选简历和首轮电话面试 4. 协助进行雇主品牌形象的打造和维护相关工作; 5. .协助招聘及市场部门新媒体的运营,包括微信公众号以及LinkedIn公司主页的宣传 任职资格: 6. 人力资源管理相关专业、工商管理、新闻等专业 7. 做事独立自主; 8. 对品牌运营感兴趣 9. 斜杠青年,涉猎广泛,脑洞大 10. 喜欢黑科技,对人工智能行业感兴趣 11. 最好有新媒体或计算机背景或相关累积 12. 每周实习不少于4天,最低5个月,可转正 职位诱惑: 顶尖的人工智能团队,国家化管理团队,资深HR高管导师 【简历投递】 【公司地址】 海淀区王庄路1号清华同方科技大厦 D座东楼 1506 当然如果您想具体了解我们公司,可以点击公司官网链接 : http://mor.ai/ 也可以参考下手机端小蓦的测试视频: 你好小蓦之生活篇——小蓦帮你定位附近美食 你好小蓦之休闲篇——小蓦带你观影品咖啡 你好小蓦之旅行篇——小蓦帮你订酒店