metall-talking|第3期:American Interview One on One 如果你想尝试独特的英语面试风格,那就来metall吧。Glenn 老师,为你深入精确分析美式公司一对一面试的流程,告诉你每个流程所考察的基本能力。 如果你想了解美式公司面试的各种问题,那就来metall吧。Glenn 老师,为你准备了各大知名外企的面试问题,在实际演练中,教你如何根据自身的特点做出令面试官满意的回答。 如果你真的认为自己可以进入知名外企工作,那就来metall吧,Glenn 老师,为你精心设计了实战演练,通过场景联系来提升能力,助你敲开世界五百强的大门。 本期metall-talking为你带来: ü 美式公司一对一面试流程 ü 美式公司面试基本问题及应答策略 ü Interview实战模拟 时间:06月13日(周六),17:00 地点:北京海淀区中关村南大街12号天作国际中心B座1603室 收费说明:非学员40元/次 学员(包括metall求职和留学两个方向)享受五折优惠 20元/次 嘉宾简介: file:///C:/Users/hp/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.jpg
Mr. Glenn Niedergall Glenn is an American andhas been teaching at Beijing Institute of Technology for the past two years. Hehelps prepare Ph.D. students at BIT for International Academic Exchange and heshows them his secrets on how to interview well and receive the job offer. Hespent 23 years as a Corporate Trainer in the Training and Human Resources areawith True Value Company. He was responsible for leading his team to trainbusiness leaders how to become better business leaders. Come and let him showyou his secrets on“How to Interview withconfidence and receive the job offer”.