metall 发表于 2015-7-29 15:46:38


《生活大爆炸》谢耳朵教会我们的10件事以上内容来自微信公众号metallgraduate, 欢迎关注获得更多异国趣闻、留学资讯、英语学习内容~~metall留学

While Sheldon Cooper is teaching himself about physics, he taught us a lot about life.
1、热爱科学Science谢耳朵说:Oh gravity, thou art a heartless b*河*i*蟹*tch.啊,地心引力,你是一个无情无义的婊子。

2、人际关系Relationships Relationships aren’t for everyone.我们不可能和所有人做朋友。
3、运动SportsNeither are organized sports.当然,也不是所有的大众化的运动都适合我们。
4、拒绝忍受侮辱insults.谢耳朵说:I'm not crazy. My mother had me tested.我才不是神经病,我妈妈带我去检查过了!
5、不畏惧将来future.谢耳朵说:Good night. And if there's an apocalypse, good luck.晚安。如果今晚是世界末日,祝你好运!
6、不要害怕问问题It's OK to ask questions.谢耳朵说:
What exactly does that expression mean, "friends with benefits?" Does he provide her with health insurance?“Friends With Benefits”(炮友)到底是什么意思?难道他给她提供健康保险?
7、内向也没什么不好的It’s OK to be an introvert.谢耳朵说:I generally don't feel comfortable around, well, anyone.我一般和......好吧……任何人,在一起都觉得不舒服。

8、维系友情不是一件简单的事情friendships谢耳朵说:At least once a day I ask how you are, even though I simply don't care.虽然我一点也不在乎,但是我每天至少还是会问候一次“你好吗?”

9、音乐MusicMusic is a great escape.音乐是一种很好的解脱。
10、炫耀吧FlauntIf you’ve got it, flaunt it.如果你真的做到了,就尽情炫耀吧。谢耳朵说:I feel like a teen heartthrob.我觉得自己就像是“少女杀手”。Maybe we aren't smart like Sheldon,but we can be happy like Xie Er Duo.

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查看完整版本: 《生活大爆炸》谢耳朵教会我们的10件事(来自微信号metallgraduate)